For all of the adventures, experiences, people, cultures, food, and ecosystems that welcome us with every journey, we believe in giving back to the communities and environments that so graciously embrace us throughout our travels, safekeeping in precarious situations and guiding us through unfamiliar lands. Below are some links to the organizations we value most in the countries we visit and encourage anyone with the time and fortitude to get out there and give back.
1. Volunteer in Java (0877 2003 0020, 0856 230 2486; www.volunteerinjava.com). This initiative combines volunteering opportunities in schools with homestay living operated by a local group of Cianjur teachers.
2. Yayasan Pulau Banyak (www.acehturtleconservation.org). This Non-Profit Organization concentrates on community development focusing on ecotourism as an income source for local communities that strives on protecting the natural environment of the surrounding islands and nesting sea turtle populations. Opportunities include nightly beach patrols protecting nesting sites, data collection on the biometry of local populations as well as teaching English in local schools. Incredible environment surrounded by world-class surfing and picturesque white sand beaches and tropical blue waters.
3. Alam Sehat Lestari (0813 5246 6704; www.alamsehatlestari.org). This Non-Profit Organization is based in Sukadana, in the southwestern area of Borneo Island, Kalimantan. Innovative conservation program fighting against logging in the region that rewards those communities that opt to conserve the forest environment with reduced cost, affordable health and dental care.
4. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Borneo (62 828 9720 9633, 62 828 9760 8696; www.fnpf.org). The Tanjung Puting National Park and surrounding jungle is a dense, virgin and pristine rainforest area with conservation efforts focused on the majestic Orangutan and their ecosystem. Volunteer at one of the parks feeding stations or join efforts saving the Orangutan habitat.
5. Samboja Lestari, Borneo (62 251 831 4468; www.orangutan.or.id). The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation is an excellent organization for volunteers wishing to join their sun bear and orangutan rehabilitation and reforestation programs. Located in Samboja Lestari in East Kalimantan, Borneo.
6. Indonesia Development of Education and Permaculture (0361 294 933; www.idepfoundation.org). Local Indonesian NGO based in Bali, this foundation works on projects across the country focusing on environmental projects, disaster planning, emergency response, sustainable development and permaculture.
7. ProFauna (081 7970 6066; www.profauna.or.id). Large, national NGO with efforts focusing on the protection of animals and their natural habitats all across the country. Working on projects in jungles, beaches, rivers and volcanoes, this organization offers a plethora of opportunities.
8. Volunteer in Java (085 6230 2486; www.volunteerinjava.com). Community outreach program that offers volunteering opportunities across West Java teaching English in local schools. Other community development programs also available.

1. EntreMundons (502-7761-2179; www.entremundos.org). Based in Quetzaltenango (Xela), this community based organization offers volunteer placements with 100 different programs throughout the country ranging from helping to produce its bimonthly newspaper, to education, the environment, small-business support, agriculture, and community development, among others.
2. Social Entrepreneur Corps (502-5847-4747; www.socialentrepreneurcorps.com ). Organization that focuses on 'empowering participants to create innovative, scalable and sustainable social impact' working all across Guatamala. Impact small communities with direct immersion into local cultures, helping to develop and promote environmental and socioeconomic education.
3. Parque Hawaii (502-4743-4655; www.arcasguatemala.com). Nonprofit NGO operating a sea turtle and caiman hatchery with efforts concentrated on the conservation and rescue of Guatamalan wildlife since 1989. Volunteers join their initiative 'to improve the chances of survival and conservation of endangered species and their habitat, as well as assist in the rational management of natural resources.'

1. Building New Hope (412-421-1625; www.buildingnewhope.org). This volunteer organization focusing on grassroots community development projects since 1992 offers many different programs across the country. Different initiatives include alternative-energy projects, sustainable tourism, education, disaster relief, structure development, skills training as well as responding to health and nutritional necessities.
2. Quetzal Trekkers (505-2311-6695; www.quetzaltrekkers.com). Non-profit, volunteer organization based out of Leon that runs hikes up and around the local volcanoes with profits donated to locally-run projects supporting at-risk children. Highly recommended outfit.
3. Entre Volcanos (505-2569-4118; www.fundacionentrevolcanes.org). Located on Isla Ometepe in Lago Nicaragua, this nonprofit organization offers farmstays, and volunteer opportunities focusing on and around Volcan Maderas and Vocan Conception.

1. Malena Beach Conservation Association (507-6676-0220; www.playamalena.org). Off the beaten track in western Azuero, this conservation organization focuses on the preservation of the nesting sites of three species of sea turtles that return every year to the same beach lay their eggs. Opportunities also available volunteering with their horseback riding, nature walks and boat tours and with the local community on sustainable tourism projects.
2. Eco Circuitos (507-314-0068; www.ecocircuitos.com). Operating throughout Panama with focus on sustainable tourism offering a wide range of naturalist excursions and volunteer 'vacations' in the Comarca de Kuna Yala and Darien regions.

Costa Rica
1. Institute for Central American Development Studies (011-506-2225-0508; www.icads.org). Institution offering a wide array of programs from environmental development and sustainability initiatives to social justice, language immersion, politics and culture immersion.
2. Monteverde Institute (011-2645-5053; www.monteverde-institute.org). A non-profit educational institute nestled in the Monteverde cloud forest focusing on environmental science, ecology, tropical biology, conservation, sustainable development and ecotourism. Internships, homestays and volunteer opportunities abound.
3. Finca La Flor de Paraiso (506-253-8003; www.la-flor.org). An agroecological farm located near the town of La Flor, above the Orosi Valley. Offers a variety of programs from animal husbandry, organic farming and medicinal-herb cultivation to environmental education and sustainable living.
4. Cloudbridge Nature Reserve (917-494-5408; www.cloudbridge.org) Private nature reserve bordering Chirripo National Park in the Costa Rican highlands, this initiative focuses on cloud forest biodiversity research and rehabilitation. Vast restoration projects are available with trail building, tree planting, maintenance, construction and conservation options.
5. Tropical Science Center (www.cct.or.cr). This Non-government organization located in Santa Elena arranges volunteer placement in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve for trail building, maintenance and conservation.
6. Fundacion Corcovado (506-2297-3013; www.corcovadofoundation.org). Located in the southern jungle peninsula of Corcovado National Park, this organization offers volunteer opportunities in environmental education, community-based rural tourism, sea turtle conservation, protection of flora and fauna and information services.
7. Sea Turtle Conservancy (352-373-6441; www.cccturtle.org). Oldest sea turtle conservation and research group founded in 1959 offers opportunities to volunteer assisting scientist with the tagging and research of green and leatherback sea turtles in the Tortuguero region.

1. Belize Wildlife & Referral Clinic (501-632-3257; www.belizewildlifeclinic.org). Rehabilitation clinic whose mission is providing care for injured, orphaned, neglected, or otherwise imperiled wildlife; a voice for humane treatment for animals; and environmental education for future generations.
2. Help for Progress (www.helpforprogress.interconnection.org). Belizean NGO focusing on grassroots, rural community development with projects encouraging education, sustainability, gender issues, citizen involvement and the environment.
3. Plenty International (931-964-4323; www.plenty.org). Supporting the efforts of economically marginalized rural communities throughout Belize, their initiatives focus on community development, disaster relief and rehabilitation, projects that promote local food, water, energy, health, and economic self-sufficiency in conjunction with environmental stewardship.

El Salvador
1. Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad (503-2235-1330; www.cis-elsalvador.org). Institution in San Salvador with volunteering opportunities to help teach English to low-income Salvadorans, assistance with grassroots community organizing and cultural exchange programs focused on education, development and dignity.
2. Permaculture Institute of El Salvador (503-2335-1891; www.permacultura.com.sv). Initiatives focus on grassroots permaculture projects focused on a demonstration site 10 miles outside of Suchitoto where farmers from around the country study in sustainable farming and environmental education. Internships, homestays and long-term opportunities available.
3. Association for Reconstruction and Municipal Development (503-2389-5732; ardmcqr@yahoo.es). Hostel run community development program always seeking volunteers for its ecotourism and outreach programs. Set in the Cinquera area, the surrounding environment has beautiful parks, waterfalls and hiking available.

1. Iguana Research and Breeding Station (volo@utila-iguana.de; www.utila-iguana.de). Center that studies and protects the native and highly endangered Utilia Iguana (swamper). Volunteer at the station as well as with tours of the island and to local bat caves on Utila in the Bay Islands.
2. Fundacion Cayos Cochinos (504-2442-2670; www.cayoscochinos.org). Based in La Ceiba, this organization focuses on the conservation and protection of the pristine islands that make up Cayos Cochinos Marine Reserve, 10 miles from the mainland in the Caribbean Sea. Local Garifuna culture is proudly represented through celebratory traditions and dance which seem to occur daily.
3. Honduras Resources (www.travel-to-honduras.com/listing/honduras-volunteer). Extensive resource listing volunteer opportunities and availability across the country with initiatives ranging from medicine and healthcare to environmental awareness, sustainability and education.

1. Great Orangutan Project (44-0-208-885-4987; www.orangutanproject.com). International organization that places volunteers in projects to aid wildlife conservation and support local communities all whilst helping to save endangered animals around the world. In Malaysia, volunteers are placed at the Mantang Wildlife Center in Sarawak with their orangutan rehabilitation project.
2. Malaysian Nature Society (03-2287-9422; www.mns.org.my). Group with projects all across Malaysia with initiatives focusing on the preservation, conservation, and education of the natural resources of Malaysia and its ecology. Four offices spread across the country.
3. Miso Wali Homestay (60-8955-1070; www.misowalaihomestay.com). Protecting the forest habitat, wildlife and biodiversity of the Lower Kinabatangan area while preserving the livelihood of the local population. The MESCOT Initiative was founded by the local indigenous people (”Orang Sungai”) of the Batu Puteh community in 1997 who formed a village-based cooperative (KOPEL Ltd) in 2003 to coordinate the villager’s conservation activities and their community-based ecotourism activities.
4. PAWS (603-7846-1087 ; www.paws.org.my). Wildlife rescue center and conservation program located near Kuala Lumpur offers volunteer opportunities that let you pick the animal/species you want to work with and what type of jobs/services to be preformed.
5. Regional Environmental Awareness Cameron Highlands (05-491-4798; www.reach.org.my). R.E.A.C.H is a community based organisation formed in 2001 by a group of Cameron Highlands residents alarmed by the rapidly deteriorating environment especially the declining forests and water quality. R.E.A.C.H. aims to preserve, restore and maintain Cameron Highlands as an environmentally sustainable agriculture and hill resort within a permanent nature reserve.

1. Volunteer in Moshi (0787-225-908; www.hostelhoff.com). Moshi is the main tourist hub in Tanzania with a plethora of offices, shops, bars, restaurants and hostels all usually looking for volunteers or short-term workstays in and around town depending on your desired position. Message boards are posted all around town or stop in at the hostel hoff for guidance.
2. Arusha Volunteers (0753-960570; www.ujamaahostel.com). The second biggest travelers haunt in Tanzania is Arusha and much like in Moshi, there are posts all around town offering volunteer opportunities of one facet or another. Minimum is usually a two-week commitment with local initiatives including a special-needs school and an orphanage.
3. Indigenous Education Foundation of Tanzania (volunteer@ieftz.org; www.ieftz.org). Organization whose efforts focus on initiatives educating rural tribes and the indigenous populations throughout Tanzania. Excellent opportunity to work hands on with indigenous populations.

1. Mwamba Field Study Center (020-233-5865; www.arocha.org). Located in Watamu Beach, this guesthouse/study center is run by a Christian conservation society and offers accommodation for travelers as well as volunteers who are offered a wide-array of community sustainability and environmental projects (including turtle conservation) around this beautiful beach area will all power solar generated at this cool organization.
2. Volunteer Kenya (info@volunteerkenya.org; www.volunteerkenya.org). Nationwide organization with longer-term opportunities volunteering with community development and education with focus on health issues such as AIDS awareness, agriculture and conservation.
3. Kenya Youth Voluntary Development Projects (020-272-6011; www.kvcdp.org). Great local project based out of a Nairobi hostel that runs three to four week programs focusing on road building, education, socio-economic development and construction of health facilities.

1. Uganda Wildlife Education Center (0414-322-169; www.uweczoo.org). World-class wild animal refuge center that also functions as a zoo that has received international attention and funding as of recent with most animals recovered from poachers or traffickers. Short and long term volunteering opportunities abound with onsite lodging available as well.
2. Y.E.S. Hostel (0772-780-350; www.caroladamsministry.com). This Christian organization and charity which focuses on orphaned children is located outside of Kampala and can also arrange work with local hospitals and schools.
3. Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary (0772-886-865; www.bigodi-tourism.org). Just a mere four miles from the famed Kibale Forest National Park, chimpanzee sanctuary, this initiative was established by the Kibale Association for Rural and Environmental Development (KAFRED) to protect the surrounding Magombe swamp area. Long and short term volunteer opportunities available supporting one of their various programs are available year-round.
4. Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary (0772-713-410; www.rhinofound.org). About 100 miles north-west of Kampala, this privately funded rhinoceros reserve was set-up to re-establish the rhino population in Uganda after decades of poaching eliminated the species 30 years ago. The sanctuary provides guides trips around the park to visitors with volunteering opportunities available helping with all aspects of the reserve.

1. La Montana (54-452-4214; www.lamontana.com). Based in beautiful Bariloche, this Spanish school offers volunteer programs teaching English as well as initiatives in social education and healthcare. Homestay opportunities available.
2. MAPU Association (info@patagoniavolunteer.org; www.patagoniavolunteer.org). Many initiatives across Patagonia ranging from the environment, human rights, sustainable development, Mapuche culture, and regional development. Great organization with extensive opportunities among volunteers from around the globe.
3. Aldea Luna (0388-155-094-602; www.aldealuna.com.ar/volunteers). A large natural reserve located in primary forest of the Yungas biosphere in the Jujuy province. Volunteer in the growth and maintenance of the reserve or on the organic farm and live on-site with other travelers/workers.

1. Animales SOS (02-230-8080; www.animalessos.org). Wildlife and animal conservation group focusing on the rehabilitation and care of injured, mistreated or abused stray animals. Their shelter offers adoptions, rescues and sterilization, in conjunction with education on the safe and fair treatment of animals.
2. Senda Verde (7472-2825; www.sendaverde.com). Just outside of Coroico in the Yungas region about 90 minutes from La Paz, this wildlife refuge runs a wide range of volunteer programs in the ecological reserve, with most focused on two-week stays.
3. Sustainable Bolivia (591-4-423 3786; www.sustainablebolivia.org). Sustainable Bolivia works with 30 grassroots partner organizations in and around Cochabamba offering a wide range of community development and environmental awareness projects ranging from working with children to performing arts and health/medical issues.
1. Iko Poran (21-2205-1365; www.ikoporan.org). Focusing on the arts, this nonprofit NGO in Rio de Janeiro places foreign volunteers in programs such as dance, music, health, education, culture, science and the environment. Placements to forty different local community organizations.
2. Go Brazil (55-82-9992-1374; www.go-brazil.org). Supports a number of NGOs in Maceio, 600 miles up the coast from Rio de Janeiro. Placements include everything from education, child care, environmental protection and conservation, rural development and agriculture, renewable energy, sustainability, to education.

1. Experiment Chile (56-2481-6620; www.experiment.cl). Language school focused on international cultural immersion programs connecting volunteers and students. Located in Santiago, homestay programs available.
2. AMA Torres del Paine (56-61-261-7490; www.amatorresdelpaine.org). Ideal for the outdoorsy, nature loving volunteer, this opportunity allows you to roam the majestic trails of Torres del Paine National Park maintaining the paths and trails. Agrupacion Medio Ambiental (AMA) was created to support and finance the investigation for the development of programs dedicated to the environmental care and protection of the region.
3. Antilco Reserve (56-99-713-9758; www.antilco.com). This private farm near Pucon, in southern Chile, hosts volunteers working with horses, taking riding tours with international guests and working around the property. Ecotourism here is focused on kayaking and horseback riding and volunteers would assist with all aspects of the operation.

1. Mision Gaia (573-321-537-0027; www.misiongaia.org). Nestled in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada thirty minutes from the Caribbean coast, this environmental education project is set in the town of Minca. Many initiatives that accept volunteers range from sustainable development, organizational support, environmental programs focused on renewable energy and organic farming.
2. Colombia Sin Fronteras (info@colombiasinfronteras.com; www.colombiasinfronteras2011.weebly.com). A charity which aims to encourage reading and writing and promote culture in the Mosquito, Valle de Gaira and San Martin districts of Santa Marta, on the Caribbean coast. Volunteer opportunities available year-round with a minimum stay of two months.
Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions or assistance.